


Q1. What do you mean by P2P?
Ans: Peer-to-peer Architecture: Network in which all computers have equal status are called peer to peer networks.Generally in such network each terminal has an equally component CPU.In other words, when two or more computer connected to each other and there is no client and server between them.

Q2.  What is RDBMS?
Ans: relational database management system.It is introduced by E.F.Codd.In this model all data is represented in terms of tuples/rows  and columns,grouped into relations/table.A database organized in terms of the relational model is a relational database.Example are: MYSQL,Oracle,MS Access etc.

Q3. Write down the process for transferring data on the internet?
Ans: The process for transferring data on the internet is as follow:
   1) The data is broken up into bits of same sized pieces called packets.
   2) A header is added to each packets.
   3) Each packet is sent from computer to computer until it finds its destination.
   4) At the destination, the packets are examined.If any packets are missing or damaged, a message is sent asking for them to re-sent.
   5) The packets are now reassembled into their original form.
This process is done through TCP/IP.
Q4. Define : Web server,WiFi,Dial-up.
Web server:
     A Web server is a computer that stores websites and their related files for viewing onthe internet.
    Wi-Fi means wireless fidelity.It is also known as Wireless Technology.It is a popular wireless technology that allows an electronic device such as computer or mobile phones to exchange data wirelessly over a network, inclkuding high-speed internet connections.
    It is a form of internet access that uses the facilities of the public switched telephone network/Direct Subscribe Line(PSTN/DSL) to establish a connection to an internet service provider(ISP) via telephone lines using a device called MODEM.Users dial a particular number by the ISP and gain access to the internet.


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