list of loop questions
S.No.List of Programms
Q1.Write a Program to display all numbers from 1 to 15.
List of More Questions for practice using concept of above program
DownloadWAP to display sum of all numbers from 1 to 10.

DownloadWAP to display Average of numbers from 1 to 6.
DownloadWAP to display multiply all numbers from 1 to 10.
DownloadWAP to display Square all numbers from 1to 7.
DownloadWAP to display Cube all numbers from 1to 8.
DownloadWAP to display all odd numbers from 1to 8
DownloadWAP to display all even numbers from 1to 8
S.No.List of Programms
Q2.Write a program to display all numbers from 1 to N.
List of More Questions for practice using concept of above program
DownloadWAP to display Sum number from 1 to N.
DownloadWAP to display Average number from 1 to N.
DownloadWAP to display Multiply number from 1 to N.
DownloadWAP to display Square Number from 1 to N.
DownloadWAP to display Cube all numbers from 1to N.
DownloadWAP to display all 2 digit numbers from 1to N
S.No.List of Programms
Q3.Write a program to display of numbers from N to M.
List of More Questions for practice using concept of above program
DownloadWAP to display Sum of numbers from N to M.
DownloadWAP to display Average of numbers from N to M.
DownloadWAP to display multiply of numbers from N to M.
DownloadWAP to display Square of numbers from N to M.
DownloadWAP to display Cube number from N to M.
DownloadWAP to display all odd numbers from N to M.
DownloadWAP to display all even numbers from N to M.
DownloadWAP to display all 2 digit numbers from N to M.
S.No.List of Programms
Q4.Write a program to display factors of a given number.
List of More Questions for practice using concept of above program
DownloadWrite a program in python to check the number is perfect number
DownloadWrite a program in python to check the number is perfect number upto N
DownloadWrite a program in python to display odd factors of a given number till N
DownloadWrite a program in python to display even factor of a given number till N
Q5.Write a program in python to reverse a number.
Example: Enter the number: 1234
output----: reverse: 4321
List of More Questions for practice using concept of above program
DownloadWAP in python to check the number is palandrome or not
DownloadWAP in python to check the number is armstrong or not
DownloadWAP in python to check the number is a strong number or not
 Strong number is a special number whose sum of factorial of digits is equal to the original number.
For example: 145 is strong number. Since, 1! + 4! + 5! = 145
DownloadWAP in python to check the number is armstrong or not upto N numbers
S.No.List of Programms
Q6.Write a program in python to convert Binary to Decimal number system.
List of More Questions for practice using concept of above program
DownloadWrite a program in python to convert Binary to Octal number system.
DownloadWrite a program in python to convert Binary to Decimal number system.
DownloadWrite a program in python to convert Binary to Hexadecimal number system.
DownloadWrite a program in python to convert Octal to Binary number system.
DownloadWrite a program in python to convert Octal to Decimal number system.
DownloadWrite a program in python to convert Octal to Hexadecimal number system.
DownloadWrite a program in python to convert Decimal to Binary number system.
DownloadWrite a program in python to convert Decimal to Octal number system.
DownloadWrite a program in python to convert Decimal to Hexadecimal number system.
S.No.List of Programms
Q7.Write a program in python to check whether a number is Prime number or not.
List of More Questions for practice using concept of above program
DownloadWrite a program in python to print all Prime numbers between 1 to n.
DownloadWrite a program in python to find sum of all prime numbers between 1 to n.


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